If you’re going to operate a vehicle, it’s important to understand the dangers. While cars are safer to drive than ever before, accidents remain common. People can end up seriously hurt, and property damage costs can spiral into the tens of thousands of dollars. As such, making sure you have the right auto insurance policy is crucial. If you’re looking for an insurance agency that serves Follansbee, WV, you can contact Mutual Insurance Partners.
Key Car Accident Stats Everyone Should Know
In 2021, over 42,000 people died in car accidents in the United States, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. About half of deaths occur between 3 PM and midnight, and the 4th of July was the deadliest single day. While safety features have saved countless lives, fatalities remain a fact of life. Still, conditions are improving. In 1980, more than 50,000 people died, even though the United States was only about 225 million (compared to 330 million today).
As for injuries, the National Safety Council states that more than 5 million people require medical care owing to car accident-related injuries per year. The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that car accident economic costs are $330 billion per year. Other sources suggest that total costs stemming from car accidents, including lost productivity, healthcare bills, and the like, may top $450 billion.
As for insurance policy payouts, it should come as no surprise that the numbers are quite high. Indeed, the Insurance Information Institute notes that payouts topped $240 billion in 2022, reaching record-high levels. Given how common and expensive car accidents can be, the right car insurance policies can prove crucial to protecting one’s health and wealth. If you’d like to work with an auto insurance agency serving Follansbee, WV, contact Mutual Insurance Partners right away.